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Feeding Yourself with Love and Good Sense © 2020


Learn how to eat from this clear, kind, compassionate, entertaining, and matter-of-fact booklet. These forty pages will free you to find the joy of eating and allow you to escape from struggling with your weight. Feed yourself faithfully; give yourself permission to eat. Reassure yourself, “It’s all right to eat.” Trust your body to know how much to eat and to eat what is good for you.

Ellyn Satter’s guidance on feeding yourself will transform your life. Satter encourages you to be positive and nurturing with food and eating. Her research confirms that being competent with eating does more for nutritional, medical, and emotional health than following rules about what and how much to eat.

SKU: fywlgs-100-1 Category:

Chapter 1. How to eat. Discover the joys and rewards of trusting yourself and taking good care of yourself with eating.

Chapter 2. Learn with your body. Feed  yourself faithfully and give yourself permission to eat.  

Chapter 3. Resist interference. Unhelpful messages about eating, food, and weight that are all around you.

Chapter 4. Get the good-food-bad-food monkey off your back. Let yourself eat all food and all kinds of food.

Chapter 5. Develop strategies for getting fed. Know where the next meal is coming from and that it will be enjoyable.  

Chapter 6. Solve eating problems. Be good to yourself with food to address weight struggles, difficulty eating  “healthy,” or being challenged by diabetes or food allergies. 

Chapter 7. Know what you have learned. You have let your body be eating competent, developed positive attitudes about food, and worked out strategies for feeding yourself.

Additional information

Weight 34.5 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 11 × 12 in


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