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Breaking News!

Breaking News!

Newsflash!  Woman breaks dieting cycle, discovers stopping point! Sally is a 28-year old, unmarried, professional woman who learned from her mom at a young age “how to diet.” She was a regular attendee at Weight Watchers meetings by the time she was...
No fun: the ups and downs of dieting

No fun: the ups and downs of dieting

An all too typical first meeting with a new client struggling with eating, weight and with their relationship with food goes something like this, “I have issues and I’m so hoping you can help me. I’ve been trying to lose weight on and off for as long as I can...
Positive or negative, it’s still pressure

Positive or negative, it’s still pressure

Do you remember when you were a kid and your swimming teacher wanted you to jump into the pool from the high dive board? At every swimming lesson, the pressure just built up to jump off that board. It wasn’t even required to pass the class, but the other kids were...
Look to Canada for the Joy of Eating

Look to Canada for the Joy of Eating

Canada, you’re the latest to acknowledge that pleasure in eating is not only okay, but important! You have left US behind. Our neighbors to the north have re-written their dietary guidelines to recognize the importance of joy in eating. That’s something...

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